Coton de Tulear Fernando Alonso de Bergidum Coton

Fernando Alonso De Bergidum Coton aka Fernando

Fernando is Coton De Tulear

Born 17 april 2019 in Spain

Stambogsnummer i FCI/DKK: Registrationnumber You get by sending me a email

Parents are:

Farther: Flamencoton He’s Mine

Mother:  Antonella de Bergidum Coton


Fernando are tested and N/N in PRA-pcrd and

clear/N/N due parents tests from: 1. Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) N/N CDDY CLEAR






Fernando is also clear in XRAY K 0, the evaluation of Radiograph for calcified intervertebral discs is 0 calcifications,  in January 2021, i´m  so happy for this result.

1. Canine Multifocal Retinopathy type 2 (CMR2) = FRI ikke bærer af sygsommen

2. Von Willebrand Disease type 1 (vWD1) = FRI ikke bærer af sygdommen

3. Bandera’s Syndrom (NCA) = FRI ikke bærer af sygdommen


4. Primary Hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1) = FRI ikke bærer af sygdommen


5. Canine Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) = FRI ikke bærer af sygdommen


6. Hyperuricosuria (HU) = FRI ikke bærer af sygdommen


Beskrivelse af sygdommene ses under HVAD TESTER VI FOR

Fernando are aproved for breeding, by judge Kitty Shjong, in coorporation with DKK and KSS (canis minor). description: nice movements, correct topline, nice head, correct scissorbite, all teeth correct, both testicals in place, nice soft coat. Nice pigmentation.

Patella tested result 0/0

Eyes examined 18/5-2020: Free of all eyediceses

Eyes examined 10/5-2021 Free of all eyediceses

Eyes examined may 2022 Free of all eyediceses

Fernando K= 0 x-ray examined  for IVDD(Hansens type 1 dicese) january 2022, Køge Bugt dyreklinik

 He will be available for suitable FCI/DKK bitches. 

Fernando står til rådighed for FCI/DKK tæver, betingelser og pris oplyses ved henvendelse


3 august 2019


fernando 8 måneder

fernando 8 måneder





Fernando 23/1-2020 9 måneder


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